Artistic Transformation of Reality
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Art, and especially its verbal branch - literature, as a form of consciousness is a reflection of reality, but not a direct copying of it, but a fiction transformation.
In a work of fiction, the writer summarizes life. Moreover, the specific basis by which the author imagines reality is fiction, story — „to create without being.“
Artistic imagination and artistic fantasy in general play an important role when a writer sets himself the task of depicting a historical event or a historical person. Artistic fiction gives productions on such topics a shade of truth rather than a real and accurate depiction of events (for example, „Madame Bovary“ by G. Flaubert, „Khaki Adzba“ by L. Kiacheli).
In a work of fiction based on material taken from reality, moral tendencies are comprehended with great artistic spirit and therefore have a great moral and aesthetic impact on the reader.
Each word in the work has an important function and each of them has a specific purpose, which ultimately serves to transform the reality of life into artistic truth.