Features of Liberalization and Impact on Countrieswithsmall Economies

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Khatuna Berishvili


Integration into the international economic processes and liberalization of foreign economic ties are a prerequisite for the economic development of those developing countries, which have small economy. Present level of globalization highlighted the issues of liberalization of economic activity, but by the scientists’ opinion the economic results of this process are ambiguous. Peculiarities and influence of liberalization on the national economy are of a controversial character when interests of the general public are suffered in this process. The issue of integration into the world economy passes from economic to socio-political plane. The present thesis is clearly seen today in the activities of many states, among them, in the activities of Georgia, which at the world markets in conditions of crisis and turbulence is searching for the mechanisms of protection of national producers and grows the scales of protectionism. It is also logical that determination of optimal integrational processes and their use in small economies of developing countries remain urgent in conditions of the present-day turbulence.

Integration, liberalization, foreign trade, optimization, small economy, development
Published: Sep 30, 2023

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How to Cite
Berishvili, K. (2023). Features of Liberalization and Impact on Countrieswithsmall Economies. Proceedings of Tskhum-Abkhazian Academy of Sciences, 23, 56–65. https://doi.org/10.52340/ptaas.2023.23.07
Economics and Business
Author Biography

Khatuna Berishvili, Ivane Javakhisvili Tbilisi State University

Doctor of Economics, Ivane Javakhisvili Tbilisi State University, Associate Professor

E-mail: khatuna.berishvili@tsu.ge